Dennis tracks
After I changed the layout of my track two times (I had small corner radii), I have still some strange values in my lp text files.
Here is an example with the last records (main straight, full throttle):
2061 178,88 -0,10 -21,11
2062 179,36 -0,21 -21,12
2063 179,42 -0,42 -21,14
2064 179,84 -0,21 -21,18
2065 180,25 0,00 -21,20
2066 180,25 -82,20 -21,20
2067 180,25 0,00 -28,84
As you can see the last 3 records look wrong. Sometimes there are only 2, sometimes 4. At first I thought, I have too many records. So I reduced the number by 3, but the result was still the same.
I have a bad tangent on the main straight, it's at the S/F line ore one section before it, I don't know, but it is within the tolerance. Can it make such a problem, or has someone already seen something similar? Because it is on the straight, I could change the records by hand or I could change the layout again :-( to have a really straight straight :-), but if the problem is somewhere else...
It happens at the star/end of lp files. It's not serious problem and can be solved in LP editor easily. Flat parts on speed graphic appears when speed from beginning of the lap are not the same as at the end of the lap. So when Rpy2Lp program try connect this speeds graphics it creates flat parts.
(01-07-2014, 08:57 PM)Pavel 69 Wrote: Hi,
It happens at the star/end of lp files. It's not serious problem and can be solved in LP editor easily. Flat parts on speed graphic appears when speed from beginning of the lap are not the same as at the end of the lap. So when Rpy2Lp program try connect this speeds graphics it creates flat parts.

OK, thanks! I will continue, as soon as possible, but at the moment I'm full with work in the office.
I've finished the LP files. There was a lot of work with them. I had to make several edits in lpeditor, because I drive with keyboard, so the AIs looked bad in the fast corners. But now they are OK.
I tried to make the best possibble laps (lap parts), but after I was ready, I was surprised, that some AIs were already with full tanks faster, than the LP time. So I changed the RELS to 98, to be competitive.
The LP files should be OK, with one exception. The race.lp is not always between the pass1.lp and the pass2.lp. Till now I didn't noticed any problems.
The AIs are really tough. On other tracks I know where the AIs have their weaks, where I can overtake them, but here I'm racing against "myself", so overtaking is really difficult (at least for me).

Some questions for the next steps.
Can someone explain me, what are the limits and the possibilities of the color pallette. I have the icr2_data.xls from Pavel, but a little explanation would be helpful.
And there are two strange things, what I need to fix, but I don't know how. My track surface is transparent. If I go uphill, I can see the other cars "in the road" going downhill on the other side. And my track seems to float in the air. If I have an uphill corner in front of me, I can see the horizon below the track after the corner.

As long as I'm waiting for the answers, I try to place some TV cameras around the track.
about the palette, from:
Chas Bornemann
Sim Cyberworld


The track pallette is always called SUNNY.PCX ! A pallette is nothing
more than a set of colors. The sunny.pcx file can be easily viewed
in a program like Paint Shop Pro. There are some do's and don't's to
working with the pallatte.

DO - Look at it. Learn what color is where. You don't need to
memorize it, but you do need to at least no where to expect

DON'T - Make changes to the 192 values (color index 0 to 191). This
is the first 12 rows of colors in the pallatte. The colors
in this row are reserved for colors the sim needs to draw
things the proper color. People would hate your track if it
turned their gorgous blue cockpit all yellow for example <g>

DON'T - Ask me why the pallatte appears to be all white !!! In most
programs, double clicking on the color will open the pallatte
for you to see.

DO - Make changes to the last 4 lines (color index 192-255). But only
do so if you know the change has to be made. Any change you make
must also be changed in the cloudy.pcx which is also a pallatte

hope this helps Smiley
(01-21-2014, 06:39 AM)Dennis Wrote: I tried to make the best possibble laps (lap parts), but after I was ready, I was surprised, that some AIs were already with full tanks faster, than the LP time. So I changed the RELS to 98, to be competitive.

The AIs are really tough. On other tracks I know where the AIs have their weaks, where I can overtake them, but here I'm racing against "myself", so overtaking is really difficult (at least for me).

I think I've found the reason, why the AIs are too fast. I made some race laps, and the AIs looked OK on the straights and in fast corners, but in slow corners they passed me everytime with an unbelievable speed. I watched the replays and they were in fact too fast, and it didn't look realistic.
I had an idea where the problem can be, so I tried it, and it works.
It seems, there is a bug in lpedit at the speed calculation.
As we make a TXT file from a replay with trafo20, it extracts the angular speed of the car in the corners, and it calculates a virtual radial speed at the center line of the track. This is higher, if we drive on the inside line than on the outside line at the same speed. But it seems, that icr2 interpretes the speed value in the LP files as radial speed on the racing line, and that's the problem.
My solution is: recalculating of the speed values in every corner with Excel before making any further edits with edit45.
The formula:
v: radial speed at the racing line, needed for the LP file
w: speed data made by trafo20
r: corner radius in feet
dir: direction of the corner -1 for right corner +1 for left corner
p: position data made by trafo20

Now I could change the RELS back to 100, and the AIs are much more predictable. They don't attack and pass me in every corner (just in every second corner :-)).
good work figuring out the formula!
After I've got the idea, the formula wasn't difficult.
v=r*ω was in the physics lessons in the 10th or 11th class.
Dennis, you are right about that error. I am not sure where I have seen it, but a note about that error in trafo was available at (I think SCW) a few years back.
IIRS Driver Champion (2005-2007, 2010-2014)
IIRS Team Champion (2004-2014)
Nice job on finding that error Dennis. Sounds like you'll be making some fine AI now!

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