1991 CART season carset released!
I'm pleased to release the 1991 CART season carset, featuring:
- A new car shape (both road course and speedway) loosely based on the '91 Lola but can stand in for most cars of that era
- 31 cars from the 1991 CART season (including 2 one-off entries from the Indy 500)
- Player car is the Domino's Pizza car that won the 1990 Indy 500
- Painted wheels (both the black and the flush wheels that were common in the early 90s)
- Painted pace car (Dodge Stealth)

See full documentation in the readme.txt within the zip file.

Thanks to everyone's encouragement throughout the project. Your feedback and comments are much appreciated, especially any bugs and suggestions for improvement. One thing I have not extensively tested is how the AI races - would appreciate any feedback in that area.

Again, I'm so glad that the community is still active and that the game continues to be modded after all these years.


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.zip   CARS91.zip (Size: 288.44 KB / Downloads: 276)
One of the best carsets i have ever seen, the cars are really well made, had a race at Detroit and didnt see any problem with the AI.
(09-15-2017, 04:31 AM)Arvandoor Wrote: One of the best carsets i have ever seen, the cars are really well made, had a race at Detroit and didnt see any problem with the AI.

Many thanks for the feedback. Glad to know the AI behaves well. The gap between the fastest and slowest cars was bigger in 1991 (the Arciero Buick typically qualified at 110% of the pole time) which I had attempted to simulate, so you may notice more lapped cars during a race.
Many thanks
Hello. Is there a chance to add missing livery to cars from the 1991 season?
(10-23-2021, 01:45 AM)Mario2021 Wrote: Hello. Is there a chance to add missing livery to cars from the 1991 season?

Hi, which cars are you looking for? I think I've included most of the cars from 1991 but since I was still working within the limit of 32 cars, there might be some I did not include, particularly for Indy-only entries.
93 - Lola Buick - John Paul Jr. - Mann Racing
23 - Lola Cosworth - Tero Palmroth - Paragon Racing

I'd like to play the 1991 Indy 500. I have these two cars ...
[Image: 1315891][Image: corvette-racing-team-alumnus-john-paul-jr-1960-2020]
I use SETOPTNS and would like 33 cars for the Indy 500 rate .....
(10-23-2021, 02:28 AM)Mario2021 Wrote: I use SETOPTNS and would like 33 cars for the Indy 500 rate .....

Check out the forum and you will see how to open the carset DAT and modify the MIPs. It isn't that hard. You can modify the carset to be anything you like Grin3
Got it. I can put those on my to-do list. Right now my focus is on finishing the Nashville and Detroit tracks so I might not get to the carset update right away.

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