Rendition card
(01-23-2025, 03:10 PM)wcci Wrote: Sorry, those settings made it worse. i get the rready splash screen then crash to black screen. If I set threadsafe back to false then I'am back to crashing at race start.

Could you email your log files to or share them here? Just click the "zip log files" button in rlauncher. I did get a report from a user, but I don't know whether it's you. There was another user on an Ivy Bridge dual core+HD 4000. These settings should fix it for that user.

Also what's your gpu+cpu config.?
RReady Alpha, January 23, 2025
MD5: caaf34fc942b6848427112024a747e9a

- Both versions of dosbox allow selection of joystick devices. This is done with:
joystickids= id1|[,id2]

id1 and id2 are numbers from 0 to the number of joysticks -1. The id2 and the preceding , can be omitted to use just a single joystick. This defaults to 0,1 when usejoystickids=false. The logfile %localappdata%\temp\dosbox-staging-rendition.txt lists all available devices along with joystick numbers.

On Windows 11 for some reason SDL2 (32 bit) seems to go bonkers and with dosbox-staging-rendition (which is currently a 32 bit app) returns garbage axis and button readings on Win11. The 64 bit version, which isn't part of RReady doesn't seem to be affected.

Dosbox-staging-Rendition has all the joystick changes from Dosbox-staging 0.82 incorporated, but my Logitech gamepad doesn't work in Dosbox-staging-Rendition. It would be nice if someone with a wheel could test this out and see if nothing's broken.

Jake, it would be interesting to see what devices dosbox-staging-rendition.txt lists as being available. The possibilities are:
1) Your pedals don't show up at all in the list
2) It shows up with device id 2 (or higher) instead of 1.
Device name DESKTOP-1G3DJCK
Processor Intel® Core™ i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable)
Device ID 1416BCBD-5023-4B05-86A8-89808372C3A3
Product ID 00326-10000-00000-AA824
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
integrated intel HD graphics 4000

Yes thats me with the ivy bridge
i dont unerstand how to post the zip log file?
(01-23-2025, 11:23 PM)wcci Wrote: Device name DESKTOP-1G3DJCK
Processor Intel® Core™ i5-3337U CPU @ 1.80GHz  1.80 GHz
Installed RAM 8.00 GB (7.88 GB usable)
Device ID 1416BCBD-5023-4B05-86A8-89808372C3A3
Product ID 00326-10000-00000-AA824
System type 64-bit operating system, x64-based processor
Pen and touch No pen or touch input is available for this display
integrated intel HD graphics 4000

Yes thats me with the ivy bridge
i dont unerstand how to post the zip log file?

I think you posted your log files in the email. If 6run Rlauncher. Exe, there should be a "zip log files" button on the bottom row of every tab. 

One to note is your cpu and gpu are a little on the slow side. 

One thing that will improve things is in rlauncher. Exe, the dos tab, click the rendition settings button(second button from top, on the left) and in the resulting dialog check "disable rendition aa" and disable "line drawing". On integrated gpus this will improve performance. Also lower upscaling resolution, in the same dialog the resolution drop down, second from top, set that to 640x480x60 or 800x600x60 or 1024x768x60. These two things will definitely help. 

RReady doesn't officially support integrated gpus like the HD 4000. It will run on some of them with a fast cpu (3 ghz+) and 4 physical cores. 

Your machine is dual core+hyperthreaded + integrated gpu +low power consumption U spec.

I hope to lower cpu requirements over time, but haven't figured out a way to do that yet.
Also make sure no other programs are running. Web browsers, email clients and such. Opera for instance causes all sorts of issues with rready.
Still no luck. Nr2003, gtr2, and RB rally all run on these laptop specs. Thank you for all your time and effort. Good luck with your future improvements.
(01-24-2025, 01:01 AM)wcci Wrote: Still no luck. Nr2003, gtr2, and RB rally all run on these laptop specs. Thank you for all your time and effort. Good luck with your future improvements.
You could try a few other Rendition games to see if they run at all. F1(1996), nr99 (this might not run well), nr2 (this should run better). 

There is one other thing you can try.

Disable dma. 

In your [autoexec] section, set

(This is currently set to 1)

Disable line rendering and rendition aa as well. 

Try that to see if it runs, slowly. If this doesn't run I think I'm missing something.
Also could you increase graphics memory from the bios? Set it as high as it can go. There should be a setting to increase vram. I think it defaults to 256 mb. You should be able to increase it to at least a gig.

You might be able to go higher, but this reserves some of your laptop's system ram for this.

[EDIT] I would try setting it as high as possible.
RReady Alpha,January 24, 2024 (untested alpha build)
MD5: 242a8a5a255d864026ae25a64bcd9ce3

- Joysticks should be fully functional in dosbox-staging-rendition. Dosclient being in focus causes Dosbox's SDL2 libraries to ignore joystick input.
- Screensaver and monitor idle is disabled while DOS/Speedy3D apps are running.
RReady Alpha,January 24, 2024 (Fully tested alpha build)
MD5: 242a8a5a255d864026ae25a64bcd9ce3

- Joysticks should be fully functional in dosbox-staging-rendition. Dosclient being in focus causes Dosbox's SDL2 libraries to ignore joystick input.
- Screensaver and monitor idle is disabled while DOS/Speedy3D apps are running.
- Both versions of dosbox allow selection of joystick devices. This is done with:
joystickids= id1|[,id2]
id1 and id2 are numbers from 0 to the number of joysticks -1. The id2 and the preceding ',' can be omitted to use just a single joystick. This defaults to 0,1 when usejoystickids=false. The logfile %localappdata%\temp\dosbox-staging-rendition.txt (or dosbox-rendition.txt) lists all available devices along with joystick number after launching dosbox.
- Pressing [ENTER] on Speedy3D (DOS) application exit will no longer maximise the Dosbox console.
- Regression: T*am Apache intro video locks up rendering the game unplayable (Win1124H2, January updates).
- Regression: M*ch Warrior 2 Titanium locks up on mission exist (Win1124H2, January updates).
- vQ*ake may have stability issues with both builds of Dosbox when a joystick is connected.
- Descent II videos should render better on older machines (Dosbox-Rendition, changes not ported across yet to staging).

This should be live on the Microsoft Store in a couple of hours.
ICR2 runningon HD2000 (with a test build of RReady):

The work is incomplete and the build isn't entirely stable, but hopefully I can fix that over next few weeks.

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