RReady Alpha,January 24, 2024 (untested alpha build)
MD5: 242a8a5a255d864026ae25a64bcd9ce3
- Joysticks should be fully functional in dosbox-staging-rendition. Dosclient being in focus causes Dosbox's SDL2 libraries to ignore joystick input.
- Screensaver and monitor idle is disabled while DOS/Speedy3D apps are running.
RReady Alpha,January 24, 2024 (Fully tested alpha build)
MD5: 242a8a5a255d864026ae25a64bcd9ce3
- Joysticks should be fully functional in dosbox-staging-rendition. Dosclient being in focus causes Dosbox's SDL2 libraries to ignore joystick input.
- Screensaver and monitor idle is disabled while DOS/Speedy3D apps are running.
- Both versions of dosbox allow selection of joystick devices. This is done with:
joystickids= id1|[,id2]
id1 and id2 are numbers from 0 to the number of joysticks -1. The id2 and the preceding ',' can be omitted to use just a single joystick. This defaults to 0,1 when usejoystickids=false. The logfile %localappdata%\temp\dosbox-staging-rendition.txt (or dosbox-rendition.txt) lists all available devices along with joystick number after launching dosbox.
- Pressing [ENTER] on Speedy3D (DOS) application exit will no longer maximise the Dosbox console.
- Regression: T*am Apache intro video locks up rendering the game unplayable (Win1124H2, January updates).
- Regression: M*ch Warrior 2 Titanium locks up on mission exist (Win1124H2, January updates).
- vQ*ake may have stability issues with both builds of Dosbox when a joystick is connected.
- Descent II videos should render better on older machines (Dosbox-Rendition, changes not ported across yet to staging).
This should be live on the Microsoft Store in a couple of hours.