My archive
Yes, number of option varies but usually with kit you can change wing configuration, place or remove roll bar camera, add or remove fins on engine cover, for early 90's cars select wheels with flat rims, for 96 there is also sidepods winglet option.
Pavel - did you ever complete a re-do of the original (older) toronto layout that was in use before 1996? I have your 1996 version, but I don't know if you did one that was older. I see there is on on the track archive - but I downloaded it and I thought it was only the papyrus version of toronto.
I haven't any plans to remake Toronto pre-1996 because I think default one is pretty good. I only want to make some graphic update and have started work on it some time ago. But it is on pause because I want to finish update for GPL's Monaco first Smiley

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